Learning Resources

At Include a Charity we undertake research in order to better understand the gifts in Wills landscape in Australia.

As a member you have unlimited access to practical gifts in Wills research and resources to provide you with more accurate and up to date information about Australian gifts in Wills and international legacy campaigns.

Whitepaper: A Fair Share for the Future: Nudging the share of an estate (August 11)

Access the whitepaper here

Legacy Futures article: In-Memory Australia:  Cinderella or Fairy Princess?

Access the article here

FIA 2021 Essential Member Update White Paper (May 2021)

Access the White Paper here

Who are bequestors? Analysis of Gifts in Wills Donor Personas (February 10, 2021)

*Resources from 2021 webinar with Martin Paul)

Personas: Diligent Planners | Distracted Dormants | Trusting Delegators

Estate Administration Handbook (November 4, 2020)

Estate Administration Handbook November 2020

Rogare: Ethics of legacy fundraising during emergencies (Legacy Fundraising (UK))

Link to webpage

Claire Routley presentations and learning resources 

Link to Dropbox resources

Having the last Word – Wills and Contestation in Australia (March 2015)

Will Making and Contestation in Australia – Key Findings ARC Linkage Project 

Applying Behavioural Insights to Charitable Giving – Cabinet Office Behavioural Insights Team & Charities Aid Foundation

BIT Charitable Giving Paper


Russell James, Professor

Access the results here 

Related academic papers on legacy giving decision – making and marketing

1. Phrasing the Charitable Bequest Inquiry

2. We the living: the effects of living and deceased donor stories on charitable bequest giving intentions 

3. Testing the Effectiveness of Fundraiser Job Titles in Charitable Bequest and Complex Gift Planning 

4. How to use donor surveys in legacy gift marketing 

5. Psychology/decision -making of estate planning in general 

6. An Economic Model of Morality Salience in Personal Financial Decision Making: Applications to Annuities, Life Insurance, Charitable Gifts, Estate Planning, Conspicous Consumption, and Healthcare 

7. Charitable Estate Planning as Visualized Autobiography 

8. The Family Tribute in Charitable Bequest Giving 

9. Extended discussion of the psychology of charitable estate planning

10. Legacy Giving Demographics and Statistics 

11. The new statitics of Estate Planning: Lifetime and post Mortem Wills, Trusts, and Charitable Planning 

12. How should charaties value revocable charitable gifts intentions 

13. Health, Wealth, and Charitable Estate Planning 

14. The timing of final charitable bequest decisions

15. Charitable estate planning and subsequent wealth accumulation: why percentage gifts may be worht more than we thought 

16. How trusts are more effective than wills for charitable transders 

17. How charitable estate gifts don’t fully replace lost giving from donor death

18. How non-housing wealth is a better predictor of charitable estate giving 


This report, Getting around to it: how to promote more gifts in wills commissioned by Include a Charity and undertaken by More Strategic, was informed by a series of interviews with 18 bequestors aged 50+ from five charities.

It is new Australian research into gifts in wills which provides detailed insights into a core audience who plan to leave a gift. Quiet and reserved they may be, but this group are incredibly valuable with most planning to leave bequests to multiple charities – many of whom are presently unaware that they will.

Download the full report here 


Dr Christopher Baker

At the heart of this project is the quest to provide a robust evidentiary base for the development of policy and practices aimed at encouraging charitable bequests by Australians.

In doing so, this project seeks to provide an understanding of:

  • charitable bequest giving practices by contemporary Australians
  • the inheritance practices that help shape charitable bequest giving

Click here to view the report