What we do

Include a Charity promotes charitable gifts in Wills to the Australian public on behalf of charities that have signed up be part of the campaign.

Our objective is to raise the profile of giving gifts in Wills and encourage more people to leave a legacy to their favourite cause and make their mark.

To make that happen, we undertake the following activities:


Campaigns and Promotion

Throughout the year, the Include a Charity campaign promotes gift giving in Wills through mainstream advertising across television, radio, online and print and through our Include a Charity Week.

Include a Charity Week

Taking place in September, and aligned with international legacy weeks globally, Include a Charity Week involves a week of concentrated public relations activities around charitable giving in Wills.

As well as public relations, Include a Charity Week is supported by activities of the supporter charities and other influencers. We work with solicitors and financial planners to promote our Find a Charity information to their clients, and the Week is an opportunity for our charity supporters to promote their causes.


Latest Research

Part of the work we do is to undertake world-class research to develop insights into the charitable gifts in Wills fundraising sector. This research is made available to our IaC supporters and advocates through our member portal.

As a member you will have unlimited access to practical gifts in Wills research to provide you with more accurate and up to date information about Australian gifts in Wills and international legacy campaigns.

If you have ideas about research about the sector you would like to talk to us about, please email includeacharity@fia.org.au.


Training and Upskilling

During the year we run training events for our campaign supporters to help them develop successful marketing strategies around gifts in Wills.

Our objective is to ensure all our supporting charities have the latest information, skills and tools to make the most of their fundraising activities.

As an Include a Charity supporter you and an unlimited number of staff have access to our webinars, round tables, workshops and more.


Advocacy in legal and financial space

As part of our campaign activities, we encourage legal professionals to initiate conversations with their clients about charitable gifts during the process of drawing up Wills.

Our research shows around 11% of Australians have included a gift in their Will, but at least another 30% are considering it.

We believe more people would leave a gift to a charity in their Will if it was discussed at the time of Will-writing. This makes the work we do with the legal community a key part of our campaign activities.

Discover the research here.



As an Include a Charity supporter you will have the opportunity to talk to other campaign supporters about gifts in Wills, sharing knowledge and insights about this critical fundraising opportunity with others in the charitable sector.


Take a look at our policy priorities.

All FIA members are encouraged to become supporters of Include a Charity. Contact us to find out how:  

E:includeacharity@fia.org.au        |        T: 1300 889 670