Support our mission

Include a Charity aims to inspire Australians to include charities in their Will.  

We want to make more people aware of the hugely positive impact that charitable gifts in Wills have and what a significant difference they make to charities and their beneficiaries. We also want to make people understand how simple it is to include their favourite charities in their Will. 

Please consider doing these three simple things when discussing Wills with your clients: 

  1. Ask some simple questions about giving a gift to charity when talking about creating Wills and Powers of Attorney with your clients, to help them explore their wishes.  
  2. If your client is including one or more charities in their Will, ask them if they would be happy for the charities to be advised of their gift. The charity would like to thank them in person for their generosity and commitment and acknowledge their gift, if appropriate. 
  3. Display Include a Charity brochures and posters in your reception area or office. These materials can prompt your clients to think about philanthropy and provide practical information to people who are making or updating their Will. Contact us and we’ll send you some of ourleafletsalong with a stand to display them, free of charge. 


Did you know that we now have a registered database of legal and financial professionals who are supporting Include a Charity? Get in contact with us to find out how to register.

Useful Links

The national charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has a search tool you can use to find the correct name and ABN number of any registered charity.