Behavioural Economics

Behavioural Economics Project 2018-2019

Increasing charity supporters’ likelihood of leaving a bequest gift

  • Background: This project was a collaboration between More Strategic, The Smith Family and TEST + Build.

Link to pdf

  • Gifts in Wills – Nudge Cards: Behavioural Economics guide to nudge the unconscious mind

Links to Nudge Cards:



During 2017 we held 2 workshops to explore a broad range of human behaviours and their relationship to leaving a Gift in their Will. These workshops will design the tests to be implemented (2018) in partnership with charity members and the Behavioural Insights Team UK. Our goal is to create new and deeper engagement with supporters to leave a Gift in your Will, increasing the value and social impact of Gifts in Wills.

A release on the launch is available here.

The webinar is here and the set of cards can be downloaded here. If you need an extra set please email

Thank you to all our campaign supporters who worked with us at the end of last year and attended one of the workshops facilitated by our strategic partner – More Strategic. These workshops were invaluable in helping to shape our next steps.
So what is this project?
Include a Charity is focusing on growing gifts in Wills both in terms of the number and value of gifts. A significant strategic shift has been the move to understand how to educate and encourage more Australians to leave a residual gift, which most commonly is 30 times more than a specific gift. The impact of moving the dial on the number of residual gifts left is significant.
The goal of this project is to provide evidence of the most effective “nudges” to increase the number of residual gifts being left in Wills in Australia. This evidence can then be utilised by the supporter organisations of Include a Charity for both individual organisational benefit and for the greater good of the sector.
So what’s happening?
So far, we have undertaken four workshops and now we are ready to move to the testing stages. For a full update click here to read the latest report.
What are the next steps?
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from charities who would be willing participants for the next steps. We will require up to 10 charities and understand some may not continue in to the final RCT. Please see the full report for what this will involve.
A working group will be convened to share current practices and opportunities for testing the interventions described above. This working group will ultimately divide in to two groups with each implementing a different test.
Tests are likely to run Q2 and Q3 with the aim to have results by Q4 of 2018. It may be an opportunity to co-ordinate the tests within the communications your charity distributes in the lead up to Include a Charity Week in September.


Download the full report here