Cancer Council WA

Cancer Council Western Australia is WA’s leading cancer charity working across every aspect of every cancer. Our purpose is to work with our community to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer.

Every day, we support families affected by cancer when they need it most, speak out on behalf of the community on cancer issues, empower people to reduce their cancer risk, and work to find new ways to better detect and treat cancer.

Cancer treatments are improving and, overall, survival rates are rising. We are also getting better at understanding how cancer impacts on families, and more is being done to help people survive the emotional impact of cancer. Unfortunately, each year, around 12,000 people in WA hear the words ‘you have cancer’, and these numbers will continue to grow. This means in the coming years our services will be needed more than ever.

Your gift to Cancer Council WA will help reduce the impact and incidence of cancer in our state for generations to come and will play a vital role in contributing towards life-saving cancer research, state-wide prevention programs and providing much-needed support to West Australian families affected by cancer.

You can be confident that all monies received by Cancer Council WA stay in Western Australia to benefit West Australians.

To find out more about the impact of leaving a gift in your Will to Cancer Council WA, visit our website or download our Gift in Will booklet here.

Queries to: Caroline Bryndzej
+61 8 9212 4333

Level 1, 420 Bagot Road, Subiaco, WA 6008

Cancer Council Western Australia (Inc) ABN: 15 190 821 561