Oxfam Australia
Today, there are millions of people living in poverty. That’s an injustice that we shouldn’t live with. Oxfam is an international non-government organisation that has been working for more than 60 years to tackle this injustice and help communities lift themselves out of poverty.
We don’t believe in band-aids. We believe in long-term solutions that address the root causes of poverty. We know from decades of experience that the best approach is to work directly with the communities affected by poverty to overcome the challenges they face. That’s because no one understands their problems better than they do; they just need a little help.
Here’s how we do that:
• A rights-based approach underpins all our programs. With our partners, allies and with local communities, we empower people to defend and uphold their rights.
• Campaigning for change is just as crucial as immediate support for people in need, which is why we lobby politicians and mobilise communities to change systems and structures that keep people in poverty.
• Responding to emergencies when disasters strikes, to provide affected communities with life-saving support and supplies — fast. We also help vulnerable communities prepare for future crises.
• Ensuring food for all is crucial in the fight against poverty, so we help vulnerable communities to access safe water and sustainable food supplies. We also provide tools and training to grow crops to eat, and sell.
• Gender justice drives our work. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable to the injustices that perpetuate poverty and oppression. So we empower women and other gender minority communities to speak out, demand justice and gain financial independence.
• A fair share of natural resources is vital for prosperity, and marginalised communities often miss out on their fair share. So we lobby governments, international organisations and corporations to adopt fairer policies and take action on climate change.
• Finance for development is essential for long-term development. So we urge governments — both here in Australia and in the countries where we program — to increase aid spending and enact policy frameworks that make progress possible.
When you put Oxfam in your Will, your values and compassion live on in a meaningful way for generations to come.
Sam Allen
03 9289 9259
ABN: 18 055 208 636
130 -138 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053