Our animals give us unconditional love, friendship and acceptance. You can return that affection today by leaving a gift in your Will to RSPCA NSW.

Not all animals have happy, loving homes like the one you give to your pets. Some are homeless or unwanted. Some are injured or neglected. Some can no longer be looked after by their owners.

When an animal has nowhere else to turn, RSPCA NSW is there to help.

RSPCA NSW has been one of the state’s most trusted organisations for nearly 150 years. Each year, over 29,000 animals come through our doors, looking for care, treatment, love and compassion.

In addition to the vital work on the ground in our shelters, veterinary hospitals, volunteer branches and Inspectorate, RSPCA NSW invests in outreach programs that aim to prevent cruelty before it occurs. We believe that behind every animal in need of care and protection, there is often a person in need of help and support too. We partner with councils to provide subsidised desexing and vaccination services, and our Education Team visits schools, universities and community groups to promote empathy and responsible pet ownership.

We also provide assistance to the wider community by way of our Community Domestic Violence Program, Community Homelessness Program and Community Aged Care Program. Our Home Ever After program was created to help owners make future plans for their pets should they outlive them.

Despite all this important work, RSPCA NSW receives only two per cent of funding from the state government and zero per cent from the federal government. We rely almost entirely on the generosity of like-minded supporters to fund this crucial work for the animals.

Thirty-five per cent of our donations are sourced from Gifts in Wills – gifts from people who want to make a lasting impact on the animals who need it most.

Will you help give animals around our state a future by including a gift in your Will?

Please see our website for more information:


Gifts in Wills Team
(02) 9782 4419

ABN: 87 000 001 641

PO Box 34, Yagoona New South Wales, 2199